The Dreamer

Name: Selin Demirci

Gender: Female (she/her)

Age: 22

Nationality: Turkish-American

Selin Demirci is a first-generation American, born to immigrant parents who moved from Turkey in search of a better life. At age 9, a violeent storm claimed the lives of both her parents and her younger brother, sparing only her cat's and hers.
That's when the nightmares started - Selin wouldn't always remember having them, or what they were even about, but she'd wake up screaming and crying, unable to sleep. Through years of intense therapy, the episodes became less and less frequent, and she was able to live a somewhat normal life - as normal as a young person who's gone through such traumatic events can have. Despite all this, she graduated high school as one of the top students of her year, and was accepted into a prestigious university to study weather sciences.

However, perhaps due to the simultaneous pressure of having to move to the other side of the country, being thrown into adulthood with no support network, academic stress, struggling socially, and her beloved cat passing away from old age, her nightly crises and daytime anxiety attacks came back to torment her, forcing her to withdraw from her undergraduate studies and go back to navigating through several therapists and psychiatrists, with little improvement to be seen. As a last resort, one of her doctors refers her to an experimental modality of psychotherapy involving the use of lucid dreams to address and overcome past traumas.